257: Tom House Podcast

August 19, 2022

Tom House: A former Major League Baseball pitcher, now a world-renowned expert in the biomechanics of throwing, Tom is one of the leaders bringing science into the art of coaching.  He has a doctorate in sports psychology, and has written or co-written 22 books on throwing mechanics.
Listen to “Tom House: known as the guru of quarterbacks who has mentored Tom Brady, Drew Brees and many others.” on Spreaker.

Show Transcript

Hey, everybody’s Mark Pattison. I’m back again with another great episode of Finding Your Summit, all about people overcoming excuse me, all about people overcoming adversity and making their way through it and finding their summit. So, anyways, I haven’t done this a little bit during the summer here, but we’re back on we’re back on track and before we get into today’s wonderful guests, we’re gonna talk about my website really quickly. WWW dot mark pattison, NFL DOT COM. There’s a number of things going on there. Number One, the movie searching for the summit, which one and Emmy for best picture, covering my Everest journey by the NFL Um, is now on that website. You can check it out by following the different lengths that are there. That’s number one. Number two, I’ve got over two D sixty podcasts of finding your summit with amazing people at the guy out today doing incredible things which will inspire all. And number three, I continue to have my hands knee deep in my flat. Philanthropy causes with with higher ground. That’s the organization that helps um process all these things and and drive money, Um and awareness to people who really need. A lot of these people are military folks who have had PTSD and have had adaptive issues with their legs and norms and things like that. So really about empowerment. My daughter also has epilepsy. So we created this found this campaign called the millions Everest, and we have now raised well over a hundre ground towards these great causes. So, Um, if you want to donate over there, go ahead. Of all the money goes directly to higher ground.

Collage image with mountainous background displaying Finding Your Summit logo, episode number and photos of both Mark Pattison and Tom HouseOkay, on that note, let’s jump into today’s great guests. His name is Tom. How’s Tom? How are you doing? Very good, happy Wednesday. Happy Wednesday to you. I haven’t done this in the spell in about a month and so my got a tongue twisted just a little bit and I normally don’t do that, but it’s all good. Um. So I I I found you, like a lot of times I do. You know, at some certain point the Dealta of knowing people and then tapping into other people. You hear about somebody and I was so fascinated because they’ve called you this guru, you know, quote unquote. I don’t know how you exactly Um phrase that up, but I kind of want to give away what we’re gonna talk about a little bit later and then to kind of go back and see how the building blocks of how you actually got to the place that you were in today. Um Tom, is a guy that I saw, I think, on twitter, and you’ve been, uh, somewhat infamous, that’s the right word, for helping guys like Tom Brady, Dak Prescott many other NFL stars drew brees over the years with their throwing motion and helping them get better. And the interesting thing about all this is that you’re really a baseball guy and you’re a guy that that went to USC went on, you were drafted by the braves, played over the Red Sox and home my home, uh team, I guess, so to speak, the mariners. I grew up in Seattle, Washington, want to the University of Washington. So you you, I’m sure you know that area well up there. But but let’s go back to kind of the route at the beginning of formulating because so much of what you do is just not about how to throw a ball. To me, all mechanics are roughly the same when throwing anything, whether it’s, you know, a baseball, a football, a basketball. It’s all that fall through shoulders, score a target and off you go. But there’s so much more that you do that you contribute to this which is between the years um of making that happen. So let’s let’s start kind of back at USC and your love for baseball and how did that kind of evolve to where you are today. Mark, that’s a great leading and you’ve done your homework. It’s it’s awesome to talk to some of it. It has any kind of clue that what I’ve been doing for the last fifty years. But we’ll go back to sc it actually started sitting into that with my mom and dad. There Um not quantifying or qualifying sports as a way to make a living. They only cared about getting an education. So everything I did in sports I had to get an a to be able to play. So that’s set the stage. But when I got to USC UM, my first bullpen was next to a guy named Tom Sieber. I had a really good high school career and my my first bullpen at USC with coach Rod Dato, who was the coach of the century, watching over my shoulder and severer shoulder. I was looking at this guy. He was a man child at eighteen, nineteen years old and I’m flipping up my little left hand at eighty mile an hour fastball and he’s running it up there, you know, in a bullpen. And coach Dato was the first one to make me aware that there were options outside of a pure talent. He said, well, what do you think? A young Tom seewer Tommy House, and I said, rod if you need me to do what he’s doing, you got to row left hander. And this is where I’ve been fortunate my whole life when it comes to someone mentoring me at the right time at a prosp room. He said, I don’t need you to be Tom Seeber, I need to be the best Tommy House you can be. Throw your curveball, throw your change up field your position, hold downers close, you’ll get innings, you’ll win a lot of games with the TROJANS and you’ll play some pro bowl too. You know again. But let me let me jump in really quickly, because you’re telling me this whole story and the thing that that I’m recollecting again going back to Seattle, watching the Seattle Mariners, especially when they had griffey and Rodriguez and those guys up there. He had a picture named Jamie Moyer, and you sound just like him right, you left. He had could throw probably top s eighty five miles per hour. And you’re you’re aware that I had jamie for six years when I was a pitching coach with the Texas Rangers. Well, there you go. And and he ended up having a longer career. He Pitched Hill. It was forty eight. Nolan Ryan only pitched untilie was seven. But it was the same information and Instruction delivered to a particularly different human being. But the process created a better chance for an outcome, a positive outcome, with both of them. Okay, so let’s talk about let’s talk about that process, because it’s you, you, I think you you used yourself in Tom Sieber, who I think played for the dodgers way back when, Um, and and then you’re talking about Nolan Ryan and Jamie Moyer. Right, Nolan Ryan was just like a Pissy, you know, burning fire out of his nose, throwing Hunter Mile Prior fastballs well into, like you said, his late forties. And then you have Jamie Meyer, probably very similar to you, a lefty that would just right pots coming in and strike people out left and right right. Well, you talk about individuals, whether they’re coaches or athletes reaching a semit or getting really good, with mastery at what they do. It’s it’s really finding order in chaos with with some kind of a process. We cannot what I learned early on, we cannot control outcome, but we can control process and by Hook or by Crook, throughout my playing career and my coaching career I got lucky in learning how to manage the process that I was going through and not getting so caught up in outcomes. Okay, so so, so. So. Go back there, though. I’m so fascinating this because if you can, if you can appreciate, you know, going through major college football with the process, going into the NFL, with the process, I was kind of like Tom Brady, another guy that you mentioned. I was drafted in the seventh round. He was drafted in the sixth round. Had to fight for everything. Obviously Tom Brady’s a legend legendary player. I wasn’t, but you know, still we all try to achieve our ceiling of what we were able to do and then going on and and climbing all these crazy mountains around the world. That took a process and didn’t know what the Hell I was doing when I got into it and then, you know, coming back and helping to revive sports illustrated there was a certain process and so I’m trying to understand from you, like I really want to peel back the layer here and not just glaze over like Oh, there’s a process. Well, what does that mean like to you in your mind? What is that process? What’s that combined of well, it’s it’s unique to each individual Um, like there’s one set of rules, but there’s a million interpretations and it’s a function of his movement efficiencies, his functional strength, his mal emotional capacity and his nutrition in sleep to recover. Those are the four basic pillars of health and performance in any sports occupation. And again, I played, but I continue to get education. I went on and got a couple of Bestelor’s science, a cup of Masters and a Ph d, an avid learner for and just listen to you talk. You may have you may not have realized it was formal Um, but you’re an avid learner or you would not have been able to do the climbing you did on the seven summits of the highest mountain ranges in the world. And it’s the individual Um and he doesn’t have to be a leader. He can. He can actually follow someone that identifies for himself or herself the path of least resistance, the process that will return the most give it, give the best return for the least akhams raiser, let the the best return for the least amount of thinking or processing. So what I got lucky at is, as a player I was always in front of somebody that gave me a how to with my talent and how a process to make it. They were Clyde King’s of the world where he realized I didn’t throw hard, but he saw that my e r a when I was in the minor leagues, one time through the lineup my Ra was less than two. By the third time through the lineup it was astronomical. So he was a a statistics guy before anybody even knew what they were. He put me in the bullpen. He said I’m gonna get you to go one time through the lineup, three or four times a week, and I was in the big leagues the next year. Do you see how Lucky I got? So what I’ve and this is exciting for me for you to tell, asked me to tell you what the process was the best process, I can tell you, is asked why and make sure it’s something that will get you through the now. What happened yesterday and what’s happening in two days doesn’t matter at all. It’s only what only matters is today. And I learned early on that we, through experience, knowledge and wisdom, gain more from our failures than we do our successes. So I never looked at my screw ups is something that was, um, a really bad thing. I treated it as a learning experience and I think that allowed me to not get caught up on the the outcome of throwing hard or winning every game or, you know, the things you can’t control, but to actually deal with and manage the things you can control. Did that make sense what I just said? Yeah, and let me, let me, let me Um, let me spit back at you on my end, like the way I used to see things. Okay, which is very similar, and and so, Um, I’ve always encouraged people, well, especially myself, and this is I think part of my success, is when you really tap into the power of curiosity, and so that’s the same thing that you were just talking about, and asking that why and and taking the time out like you know when I first lined up against Lester Hayes, you know, the guy with all the stigm on his uniform and everything, and this is the guy I went against every single day in practice, you know, for three years, and you know the guy was a beast. And the question was like how was I going to get off the line against this gigantic guy? And and I learned how to do it because I kept asking myself, you know, what is he thinking? Put myself in his position and how would he be positioned, body alignment, all that kind of stuff on how these things gonna work. Same thing with climbing these crazy mountains. Mountain everst like how does this actually work? I’ve watched five thousand reels on Youtube of people climbing up the mountain. So I literally memorized through visualization of what the mountain what I was going to accounting. And now did that make it any easier? And No, it was still hard at work, but at least I was starting to set my mind with expectations on what was possible. That’s perfect. You were playing the game for the game and what that allows you to do when you’re actually playing the real game. You’ve already been there even if it wasn’t quite right in your pregame visualization. It gives you a head start on the people that are trying to process immediately when it’s happening. So and listening to you talk, these are things that I find common amongst all high high achievers. And remember, high achievement is relative. Um you take a person that only has the talent to play basketball in high school and ends up getting his college degree on a scholarship in basketball because he’s just a grunt and grind guy that was never the best but always good enough to make the team. That guy, in his own way, was a hall of Famer onto his own talent. Not all of us can be the best of the best, but you can always be the best you that you can be. And Yeah, I get yeah, it makes a lot of sense. You know another thing I just want to drop, and I’ve talked about this before. One of the things that really helped me really create the foundation of my difference success than like there’s no magic to it right. It’s hard work at the end of the day. But Don James, my hall of fame coach at the University of Washington many years ago. You probably remember him from maybe the time that you played up in Seattle with the mariners. But the net net is he had taken the whole Pyramid of success from Um John Wooden, John Wooden, and when he made it a going. And I’ve tried to explain this to people before, and you know and and I that the person that that exemplifies this the most, and the guy that we’ll talk about here in just a few minutes, is Tom Brady. And you know, at the very top of the pyramid it’s all about Um competitive greatness and it’s really about being the best when your best is required. But really a bottom line is that it takes hard work and it takes many years to get through these things. And if you don’t love that process, if you don’t love killing yourself going up and down that mountain, like I did, I moved to some Valley Idaho. I go up and down the mountain every single flipping day. I’ll go up this afternoon and constantly at it, at it, but yeah, I’m doing it. I know I have to and I want to, but because I love it. It’s the passion. You have the passion for it. That’s that’s right, and so that that’s like that the magic sauce which gets and and so so. So, going back to Um, a guy that you’ve you tube, I’m I’m you know, like I look at Tom Brady and I love watching his process and because he’s an old guy, you know, trying to uh, continually get better, and he seems like he already has so many of these different skill sets like you’re talking about, like the way he processes things and chases things down and you know he’s competitive, but he also prepares and I’m wondering, like how many universe does does Um, Tom House and Tom Brady come together? Because Tom is in his brain somewhere. He’s saying to himself, you know, there’s still areas of improvement that I need to make and and I want to see if this guy can help tap some of those things. That’s a that’s a great question and it’s there’s actually a very simple answer to that. Um, these elite guys, these elite quarterbacks you’re talking about in the NFL, the fraternity is really a small fraternity and when they stumble across something that helps an individual, they share and a lot of the Asians have the same clients. Well, my first go round with an NFL quarterback when it was full time, was with drew brees. But the football thing started about ten, maybe twelve years earlier when I was coaching in the in the minor leagues with the San Diego Padres. The Big League trainer with the Padres had the pitchers throw footballs for postgame and pre am getting loose conditioning because you can’t throw a football wrong, make a spiral and it’s a little heavier. It’s three times as heavy as a baseball. So there was some strength training involved. So when I saw that I started taking a football wherever I went as a pitching coach and as it as luck would haven’t Um Cam Cameron was the offensive coordinator with the San Diego chargers when drew brees signed with the chargers and he said basically, and I had worked with Cam’s kids in baseball, and he said, I see you throw a football, I’ve got a quarterback that could probably use your help for a little mental, emotional and maybe some recovery. I think his mechanics are pretty good, but maybe you could help him with his functional strength. So he made the introduction and I actually got a chance to work withdrew for almost two years before he blew his shoulder out. I don’t know if you remember the last game of his competitive season when he was supposed to sign a free agent contract with the chargers. Blew his shoulder out, went back to Dr and Andrews. Dr Andrews put it back together, but he called me and so I don’t think drew is ever gonna throw a football again. Well, seven months later he’s starting with the saints Um and actually doing a pretty good job and that, you know, rest is that of history. But with drew’s success people kind of asked, well, what you know? What brought you back? What are you doing with your condition? I see you doing all this weird stuff. He said, well, that’s crazy, Tom House. And so drew made a couple of introductions, a couple of introductions and made a couple of introductions and pretty soon, Um, we’re working with twenty eight of the top thirty two NFL quarterbacks. And it was not well thought out, but it was organic and it was what I would call authentic and it’s just taken off from there. And Socrates said it best. Um, he felt like he learned more from his students than they learned from him. And I’m still going on with that. I learned more from quarterbacks when I’m working with them than they are from they get it from me, but it must be enough for them to keep coming back. And you said it. It’s not exactly mechanics. It’s all for it’s mechanics, functional strength, Bel Emotional processing under stress and then nutrition and sleep for recovery. And the reason that Brady is so um durable and still producing. We had learned how to do that with Nolan Ryan and Jimmie Moyer when I was with the Rangers, and we know for a fact there’s no reason that you can’t do it forty five what you did at twenty five if you’re committed to your process. And of all the athletes that I’ve worked with in the NFL, brandy just had a birthday last week. He’s still trying to get one percent better every day, even though he’s got mastered, even though there’s probably no one in the game that has more between the ears and how to manage the game, and he does, he’s still looking for a way to get better every day. That’s great. I love that and really that shouldpply to everybody in life. You know, there’s a there’s a there’s an interesting movie that came out a while ago. Um Uh, there’s a guy named Jake Burton who was really the inventor and the founder of snowboarding way back when. You know, he just he I think he grew up in Michigan or someplace and there’s a small hill and he just had a plank of wood and put some nailed some tennis shoes into it and slipped into it and went down a hill and that was kind of the first snowboard. And so this this movie is about his life and it’s really fascinating on the different competitors and how he stayed ahead of the game and how he opened markets in Europe up and all this stuff, and then it really blew up into this, you know, this almpic sport now. And so with all that he accomplished, Um, he’s now my age, sixty at the time, and and somebody said shake man, you’ve accomplished so much, why don’t you just slow down? And he said, Dude, you got it all wrong. Now is the time to accelerate. Why don’t you catch up? And I feel like that’s well, that’s certainly the way I live my life. But Um, and unfortunately Jake Burton got of cancer, but Um uh some years ago. But Tom just seems to be on the same path. Like you know, like there’s more opportunities than ever before that have had way more than certainly when he got drafted out of Michigan. Without a doubt, and what you just said is exactly right, he’s been able to match his meddle emotional make up with all the new technology all the old school. He’s got the benefit of what it boils down to experience, knowledge and wisdom. He sees things that nobody sees because he’s had more experience and taking on more knowledge and the wisdom of him being able to connect is he has the imagination of a four year old with the wisdom of forty five year old. So it works out really good for him. His toughest thing is going to be what does he do when he retires? He had a little bit of that this summer when he was uh and he lasted what about two months before he realized it. He still had passions for the game and literally wanted to stay with it. So we’ll see how that goes. But every time we talk um he’s an avid learner. In his window of train ability, which is skill retention. There’s nobody that works harder to retain the skills that he does have. So let’s let’s say that I’m Tom Brady, or you know, I’m one of your your your stable of quarterbacks that’s come to you over time, Um, you know, for you. And I want to just breakdown the mental part, because I think what what you know with this podcast to me is all about is is taking similarities and traits that you’ve been able to work with high performers. You see this all the time, like the guy like Tony Robbins, who works with these high executives and there’s certain traits and so how do those become transferable to somebody who isn’t Tom Brady but maybe aspires to be, you know, great at whatever the chosen field is? That’s a great question. It’s it’s relative to the individual and what I’m most proud of my path and where we’re going with really smart people I’m working with. There are four windows of trainability and their age specific. There are four windows of learnability and their age specific. When you put those two together, it kind of gives you a roadmap on how this youngesture or Ulster should be approached with his knees to make it better than he is when he walks into your environment. And I think we talked at the beginning, you and I talked about how lucky I was to get exposed to the technology and be able to take advantage of it. So we were the first ones to do high speed motion analysis. We could actually see it a thousand frames a second what quarterbacks and pictures and hitters and volleyball players were doing with their movements. We also are able to take force plates and see how, Um with wireless e MG, how muscles work to support those movements and then, obviously, with nutrition and sleep, how to put the right things in the body for the individual to recover, because on the elite level, an athlete that recovers in two days rather than three, he plays, everybody else goes home. But the most important piece, and it sounds like you figured it out intuitively, is what’s between your ears. That makes the whole thing work. And there’s like it’s a passion trial, if you could visualize in your head. There’s a trial or passions to the top. The low right is motivation and the low leftist commitment. So passion is a need state where you’re ninety trillion selves actually need to be doing what you are trying to accomplish. Motivation is task specific passion. I’m sure when you were learning how to climb mountains, they gave you ways to condition your arms, your legs, they told you what you’d be going through with altitude for your loves. They gave you a tool kit and you were motivated to try them all and again, using your words, you were climbing mountains in your mind before you actually climb them, visit them. And then the commitment is are you, if you’ve got passion and motivation and you’re truly committed to getting better at what you’re doing, every decision you make in life, both on and off the field, will be looked at through that competitive lens. So I actually have been involved in baseball for fifty plus years and even today every decision I make is looked at through a baseball or a football or, you know, hockey or whatever sporting and what I’m looking at is looked at through that Lens. So it takes a little tunnel vision. It takes tunnlevision with an open mind, because unless you’re willing to hear something new or try something new. It’s that thing called the confirmation bias. Well, you only pay attention to things you already believe in and you don’t get any better. So the sum total of all that mark kind of is a window on what we’re talking about right now. Out I’m seventy with Parkinson’s and I honestly believe we’re doing better and more now than I did years ago when I had youth and exuberance on on my side. Mm Hmm, that’s interesting. I love those three pillars too, and I and and for me, you know, boy, Um, I think there’s a couple of things, a couple of thoughts. There’s no question I wouldn’t you don’t know my whole story, but there’s no question that I would not be sitting or having this interview with with you today if if I didn’t have, you know, those that the passion and the purpose Um to then get up the mountain because of the commitment that put forth in terms of the training. You know, I did a hundred fifty thousand vertical feet in three months of climbing, just train and ramp up with this then. But I find, like you know, the the main and and anybody listening to this should should take note, and I’m not the guru of anything, I just know the difference of like my this this formula that I’ve I’ve, like some are another, figured out or applied to my life. Um, the main differentiator between myself and somebody else. and not everybody can play in the NFL, but certainly a lot of people can go achieve you know difficultly. Anybody can go climb a mountain for the most part, Um, or swim or things like that, and you don’t have to be a little bit caliber to do these things. But the only difference between myself and many others is that third pillar that you just talked about, which is called commitment and having that daily discipline to get out there and and get after it. Right. And again, not everybody has to do what I have to do, but you know, if you have a goal in front of you, you’re never gonna get get there if if the roadmap, you know, doesn’t include the path of how to get there and following that specifically, and that takes a lot of discipline. That’s another that’s another arm uh and derivative off the word commitment, right, is the discipline to actually execute that. So we all like to go out and we won’t go see a movie, but, you know, between the food and the drink and all these other things that you put in their system, you know, and then going back to that word called sleep and making sure that you you do these things so you don’t start cheating and on sleep and that you can still get up at the crack of dawn and go take care of all these things. It’s just amazing that that’s the main thing that I see about people falling off the wagon or staying on. Yeah, and it’s it’s basically looking at the cost benefit of a decision. Is it going to help you get better or is it gonna hold you back? And then the commitment to excellence to where, instead of going out with your buddies and having an extra three peers and, you know, a half a pizza, basically go back and get that extra two hours of sleep that you need to recover in the morning so you can give it a much better effort in your preparation. So there’s there’s no easy way, but there’s a there’s a way for every individual to organize these chaos. And the cool thing about today’s world in performance Um you can find a way you can find a pathway in your chaos to help you be the best you can be. The hard part with today’s world is that artificial intelligence is making things almost too easy. You mentioned earlier that the fact that you did your I don’t know how many thousand feet Undt. That’s a lot of feet. and Are you aware that kids today can get more knowledge off their cell phone than they can in a Bachelor of science program at some Liberal, Liberal Arts College? And if you get the information given to you, if you haven’t faced adversity, if you don’t have an affiliation, if you don’t have empathy, if you don’t have how these social cons constructs to go with what you’re after in life, it’s it’s not going to work out in the in the in the final analysis. So that’s one of the reasons we’re involved. We call it humanizing artificial intelligence and through mustard, excuse me, mustard, and the companies that I worked with, we’RE gonna try to put everything that you’ve talked about in our conversation today. We wanted to have be a deliverable for free to the families that have a twelve or thirteen year old male or female athlete. Would normally stop playing sports by age fourteen. Just have them play through high school and they’re better human beings and better, better equipped to handle this strange world that we’re living in right now. The sad thing is too many things we’re done for the kids, too many parents who are trying to make it easy. When I have adversity and learning from failure is probably more important than being really good. Nobody cares that you were an all star when you were twelve years old. It’s quality of life when you’re twenty three years old. So what you’re what you’re talking about with your life and your pathway to be where you are right now is the perfect playbook. First success of an individual in any occupation. Just take your process, alter it and tailor to theirs and you don’t look back. So that’s these conversations. I hope the people that are listening to it we’ll realize there’s nothing magic. It’s just identifying in your chaos what path you’d like to take and find a process and you can learn about your process from mark, from Tom or find that individual that could mentor you love it. It’s called awareness. Becoming unaware socially, where there’s a lot of things in there. Um, while we’re on this, this word mustard Um. Why don’t you tell me a little bit more about that? And I missed stock your Um, your hat for a mariner hat, because that kind of had a logo like that way back in the seventies. Right. Yes, you’ve got you’ve got a good memory. So mustard is an idea that came about organically. We’re sitting around. Anytime I do a console we do a teach and an information session before we instruct and head out to the field. So, as it turned out, over I was up at USC doing research and was actually their pitching coach for Trojan Baseball, and during these lectures we would talk on Mondays we talked biomechanics, on Tuesday we talked functional strength, on Wednesday we talked nutrition and sleep, on Thursday we talked mental, emotional and on Friday we put it all together for strategies and tactics. And obviously when an elite player comes in it’s a thirty dollar weekend for the guys if they’re going to do, you know, the whole emotional analysis and the forest plates and the wireless MG and somebody said, I forget who it was, it might have been billy Lee, who was a buddy of my long term baseball played baseball way back with the spaceman. He said, I wonder how many Nolan Ryan’s go home from sports during high school because it just didn’t stay with it long enough. So we said, you know what, I wonder if let’s do some research, and it turns out that, and I’m getting long with it here, I’ll try to make it short. Hall of famers. Hall of Famers were late bloomers, so, but they found some way to stay with the sport until their tools actually matched up with the competitive environment they were in. So we started saying, how, how can we keep athletes the sport longer? Um, when they’re a preteen into their teenage years. And so it’s called what we call the democratization of elite information. We wanted to be able to afford a family of three or four people that had Um, you know, minors, pre adolescents, give them the same information and Instruction, and that’s what mustard is. You can take your cell phone, film your son in the backyard swinging a batter and throwing a ball, send it to the cloud, comes back to you and it has the same efficacy as a dollar motion analysis. So with the hundred and forty million hundred prednolescent athletes out there, if we could just get half of them to play a little longer than we’ve done our job. It’s called the democratization of elite information and Instruction, a love that you know, I was a coach way back when with my girls, and I’ve got two girls. This is like fourth Fi, sixth grade, in seventh grade, you know, volleyball and soccer and things like that, and my whole goal was to play everybody. My whole goal was to get them to play, you know, knowing that pretty much everybody’s cap it was gonna be probably eighth grade, but maybe high school. So I will if they’re lucky. And so my whole thing was just like, you know, rather you can be so competitive to win everything, which we actually did, we’re gonna play everybody and we’re gonna make everybody feel included and empowered. Um, because that’s the only way that you know you’re only typically, you’re only as strong as your weakest link, and you want to make sure to bring up those, those ones at the bottom to maximize their potential but also give them the confidence, because you never know who could ultimately be that star. Mark. What you just said is what we call sports and the power of play and what you did intuitively. We’ve got research to back up everything you’re talking about and if you have everybody participating, they all have equal investment in the process and they learn how to how to fail. Fast forward. They learned how to have empathy, they learn all the things that Um, you know, technology, the cell phones and the Internet and social media don’t provide. So I think sports, it’s probably one of the last things available out there to humanize what we’re going through as a world right now and what you just talked about. You said all the right words and intuitively, you backed into it with common sense. What we’ve got is research and objective quantification, science based across the board to support all of it. Okay, so this this mustard, this isn’t just so I get this right. This is a I understand what you just said about what it does, and this is an up that you go to the android store or the apple store or whatever and you can download. Yeah, just go to the APP store and you’ll see mustard and then you download it and if you have a cell phone or a tablet. You can. You are now in the motion analysis business, and that leads after motion analysis, that shoots them to functional strength and that shoots them to mental, emotional and that shoots them to nutrition. So again they come for one thing, mechanics, but they’re gonna get exactly the same thing that Tom Brady got fifteen years ago when he first showed up at USC well, look, I am going to go download this APP because I need to get one percent better, just like Tom Brady. I’ll give you a couple of things that work. As you get at seventy five, my mantra is just do something, never do nothing. So getting out of the bed in the morning is some kinds kind of tough. That getting out of bed is the beginning and you never know where it’s going to go from there. So I called that fof. You know what that means? No, but I’ll take a shot at go ahead. Now I’m thinking bad words and I don’t want to use bad words called we called GFF, go freaking fast. What is fof feed on floor? So the first thing that needs to happen is the F O F feed on floor. I’m gonna steal that from me and combine it with G F F F, feed on floor, go freaking fast. I need to be part of mustard man. Well, you’re always welcome. This is kind of fun. I’ll tell you what, you’re very good at what you do. I’ll hang out with you anytime. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Um. So, I have one last question for you, and that is so, you grew up as a baseball guy, you went to U S C, you have this professional baseball career. You’ve been around seaver and Nolan Ryan and all these other guys, Jamie Moyers, and you spend a heck of a lot of times a coach in the professional ranks and then, kind of out of right field, here comes this foot all than with drew breats right. You know ten, fifteen years ago, something like that, twenty years ago probably Um, at the end of the day, in terms of coaching, have you found it more life fulfilling to be a mentor of Football guys or a mentor of Baseball guys? Or maybe it’s a watch, maybe it’s it’s the same. I’ll tell you what. Um, the most fulfilling group. I love working with the superstars. It’s actually very motivating. But I have the most feedback and feel most fulfilled when I’m hanging out with the peewee’s, the nine to twelve year olds, for some reason, my wife tells me is because that’s what I am as the seventy five year old twelve year old. But I get more feedback working with the pre teenage than I do anybody else. But it’s all been not just of you know, a wonderful run. It’s been a lucky run, but as long as I’m alive, like we said earlier in the in this Chit Chat, I’m gonna try to get better both on and off the field, standing with technology and the more you can hang out with people like yourself and kind of spread. Do you realize how many similar things we have going on in our brain? You literally you could probably Wallson in my environment and be just as good as an instructor as anybody that I know, because you’ve got a process that will work wherever you go. Well, it certainly has been. Cross sport, Cross business, transferable in that sense. So what I heard you say is, Um, it’s not about football or it’s not about baseball or really any other sport. It’s about working with the youth of America. Yeah, it’s an individual and I think I said it, but us it again and remember the Tom Brady’s of the world, the Norlan Ryans of the world. Um, they may be thirty, five four year old athletes, but they’re twelve year olds at heart, and that’s what’s cool. You know, I think I might have a shot at sixty coming out of retirement. Maybe one. We had three more. Well, I’m gonna say that. I’m gonna tell you what my wife said when I started talking about coming out and reach out, and she said, why would you want to come back? You stock the first time through. Exactly. Um, all right, so let me ask you this. Where can people find you? We know that there’s a there’s a mustard APP that people can download. Where can people find you? If they want to get more information about the psychology, you can. You can google mustard, go to team mustard dot com. Yeah, you can go to uh, national pitching DOT COM. You can go to three d qb or just just google my name and it’ll chase you wherever you want to go and remembers not just me. I’ve got some unbelievably challenged and authentic people working with me that we’re pushing the envelope and my clock is ticking because you know, I’m sneaking up on retirement age. But we’RE gonna WE’RE gonna go till as long as we can and as as positive as we can, until we can’t do it anymore. Well, I’ll tell you what. I had to use all that process that I go through, everything else to chase you down, Um, in my peramount of success, to actually get you on this, this podcast. So I greatly appreciate it. You’ve been a wealth and knowledge, Super Fun for me, just because I identify with so many things that you’re talking about, this kind of being always the overachiever and having to work a process or I wasn’t gonna play or do the other things that I’ve done. That’s just the fact, Um and so inspiration to me and this is the reason, again, why I do these types of podcasts. Right back at you, mark, like I said, I hope this isn’t the one and only. I’m being glad to hang out with you any time. Stay in touch. Alright, alright, alright, thanks so much. Well, hold on before you go. OK, everybody that’s been Tom House, thank you so much for’s your that phone

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